Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Why Product Fundraising Works

Why is product fundraising so popular? Simply because it works. School and youth organizations raise nearly $2 billion each year in product selling. Specifically, sales through catalogs still remain as the most popular form of product selling within schools.

But just why has product fundraising been sustainable as a profitable form for schools? Here are some of the top reasons:

· Great products, great cause. You have seen the high-quality products offered at Ashley Farms. What kind of person can steer away from our cookie dough or delectable fruit pies? And don’t even get us started on that Oreo Cookies n’ Cream Cheesecake. And you won’t even feel bad about the calories, because the money is going to a non-profit organization in need.

· Engages the entire community. Think about it – school fundraisers integrate not only the sales representative and students. Product fundraisers within schools involve administrators, teachers, and parents! And in all seriousness, what kind of customer can say no to a cute little kid asking if they want one of our specialty cupcakes?

· Motivation for the kids. When students get involved in these fundraisers, it is asking them to self-motivate, enhance their interpersonal skills, and improving confidence as they approach their neighbors and other community members asking for their business. Product fundraisers usually involve some pretty cool prizes, so if they work hard enough they too can be rewarded in a special treat!

In order to make sure the fundraising moves smoothly, it is also important to remember these tips:

· Within school fundraisers, distribute catalog packets at the end of the day so that they go directly into student backpacks and not lost in their lockers or desk!

· Be specific in communicating your group’s fundraising goals.

· Start early. If you wait until the deadline of the sale date, you may become overwhelmed and feel defeated, therefore losing motivation to complete the sale goals.

· Make it easy for parents and other community members to participate. Without clear goals and objectives, the catalogs may be tossed away. Make it apparent that you are helping the community and not just selling.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fundraising Tips

There are a lot of aspects that go into school fundraising. Having to organize and implement a fundraiser can be stressful and time-consuming, but it doesn’t have to be that way! Here are 5 tips to help make your school fundraising run smoothly and successfully:

Make the Fundraiser Manageable

Find a fundraising company that is willing to be your partner throughout the whole process. For example, Ashley Farms offers their customers a complete computerized sales report showing the group sales and profit as well as individual student sales and profit. Small things like this can save a lot of time and eliminate a lot of stress!

Sell Usable Products

If you’re selling products that people will be able to use and benefit from, then they will be more willing to contribute to the fundraiser! Try to find items that people of all ages will be able to use or enjoy!

Make the Products Affordable

Relatives and family friends usually help the students and schools out, but some don’t want to spend too much money. Try and have a variety of products that are a variety of prices! That way those who want to spend more can and those who want to contribute a little are still able to show their support!

Include Everyone

Students like to be involved and do their part to help out, and so do parents! Try to include each age level of students in the fundraising and make sure the tasks are something they are able to handle and succeed in! That way, they will feel proud of their accomplishments!

Make the Fundraiser Important

Find something that the school or the students need and make that the focus of the fundraiser. When it’s something that is important to everyone, more consideration and time will go into selling the products by the students and parents!

What other fundraiser tips can you think of that we did not mention? Comment below to share your ideas!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Doing Your Fair Share

A team can achieve far greater things together than they can apart. In order for this to be true, it is important that every individual is doing their fair share so the group can achieve their overall goals. When each member contributes their own unique abilities and efforts, the result can be something quite incredible.

For example, here’s how Jim Messina (President of Ashley Farms) relates doing one’s fair share to a musical performance:

"Everyone must attend all of the rehearsals, have a good attitude at rehearsal, there must be group discipline, students must work on their parts at home- or in other words, show up for the performance as prepared as you can be individually. That is the definition of doing your fair share.” 

Doing ones fair share can add up to something wonderful, in the case above: a flawless performance.

The concept of doing one’s fair share can definitely be related to fundraising as well. For example, if each student participating in an Ashley Farms’ fundraiser takes a brochure, shows it to friends and family and sells at least a minimal amount of 10 items, then two goals have been reached. The student has achieved an individual goal- which adds up to a collective group goal. 

Working hard alongside others to achieve a common goal (whether it is your teammates, group members, classmates or coworkers) is a skill that will be used throughout one’s entire life. Just remember- better results can be accomplished as a team, not only the collective results but the individual results as well!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Building Character Through Fundraising

 With all of the things that your school does for its students, how does it address the prime objective of growing up- not just teaching students academics, but helping them to become good people? Fundraising can teach a child many skills not taught in the classroom, such as trustworthiness, responsibility, citizenship, philanthropy, communication skills and much more.

Fundraising teaches a child self-confidence, and self-worth. It gives opportunity for a child to learn how to talk to strangers (in a safe environment) and maintain a positive attitude in the face of rejection. Rejections can lead a child to feelings of disappointment and dismissal. However, this is also an important opportunity to build character. Handling rejection is an important part of life and going door to door is a way to receive a good amount practice in rejection. 

Other important lessons that can be learned are about people and sales skills. In order to successfully sell something to others, the child needs to develop a number of skills in how to talk with people and what is the best way to present oneself. Good salesmanship, involves good customer service and treating people correctly. Communication skills are some of the most sought-after skills that employers are looking for, and teaching a child the basics of good communication early on will build better communicators in the future.

Being a successful fundraiser involves speaking politely to people and talking with confidence. It teaches children at a young age the skills that help shape them into the people they will become in the future and helps them understand the ups and downs of attempting to accomplish a goal. Fundraising is a great way to watch a child grow confidence and character, and what could be more satisfying than that?

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Different Kind of Fundraising Company

In our last blog, we explained how Ashley Farms Inc. was founded. The founding years are what we like to attribute to three things: Fate, Risk, and Cheesecake. There’s a little more to the story though... To really understand who Ashley Farms, Inc is, you need to understand how we go about business. Jim Messina and Mike Gambuzza (our founders) describe what makes our company’s way of doing business different from our competitors:

Jim Messina (Left) and Mike Gambuzza (Right)

“We pride ourselves on the ability to motivate the students and members of the groups we help. We do this through a well planned professional presentation as well as proven incentives and of course we have all of the members taste our delicious cheesecakes and more. This sets us apart from our competitors and keeps our customers very loyal. Every day, as we enter a school, we hear someone say as they see us, "this is my favorite day of the year," that is just music to my ears and makes me feel good about what we do to help non-profits achieve their goals. It's not just "all business" it's more about joining with these groups and forming a team to meet the challenges of today’s market place. Our latest incentive program is called the Goal Card, and all students who earn it, receive special privileges from the teacher throughout the school year. Little things like this, keep the students and teachers involved with the concept of making the students work to achieve goals.”

–Jim Messina (President)

“Ashley Farms is well respected in the fundraising industry. We basically started the frozen food market within the fundraising industry. We are known for quality products and excellent customer service. Personally, we pride ourselves on character and integrity and our handshakes are as good as any contract ever signed. We have helped raise over one hundred million dollars in our thirty years in business for customers trying to improve the quality of their fundraising groups. That's what we do best.”

–Mike Gumbuzza (Vice President)

Ashley Farms, Inc. has been an innovator since its inception. We will always strive to stay ahead and help our customers with the latest most effective products and techniques available. We pride ourselves on being a dedicated partner to the non-profit organizations that come to us for fundraising help, and we genuinely care about the success of those organizations’ fundraisers.

Fate, Risk, and Cheesecake

Every successful company begins with one thing: A solid foundation. Taking a look at a company’s founding leaders and values can tell you a lot about a company as a whole. Gain a better understanding of how Ashley Farms has gotten to where it is today by learning about its two founders: Jim Messina and Mike Gambuzza. It is a tale of crossing paths at the right time, taking risks, and a love for the fundraising industry.

Gaining the Necessary Experience

Jim Messina
Jim was a graduate of Fairleigh Dickensen Univeristy. His primary interests at that time were music and the marching arts. After graduating he moved to California and was employed by the Anaheim Kingsmen Drum and Bugle Corps as a choreographer and instructor of visual arts. Becoming homesick, Jim moved back to NJ and became the chorographer for many of the top competitive marching bands, drum, and bugle corps in the North East. After marrying his college sweetheart, Barbara, Jim became a sales rep for a local band uniform company Collins Uniforms. While employed there, Jim learned about the fundraising industry. He decided to switch jobs to the nation’s leading firm, Henco, out of Selmer TN. Jim rose to regional sales manager and spent four successful years there. Jim decided to switch jobs and work for a new fundraising company in New Jersey, Planned Achievement Corp. Despite his responsibility for all aspects of the company's development, he sought a change and longed to start his own company.

Mike Gambuzza

Mike played two seasons of Division III football at NJ City University before transferring to Montclair State University, where he graduated with a degree in Physical Education and Health. After graduating, Mike returned to his alma mater, Memorial High School in West New York NJ, to teach PE/Health and coach football. Mike taught and coached for 8 years. He had the privilege of helping many young students become wonderful young men and women. During his eighth year, Mike helped lead the football team to a county championship for the first time in 20 years. He decided this was the perfect way to go out.

After leaving teaching, Mike landed a sales position at a fundraising company called Planned Achievement Corp. Mike’s girlfriend at the time, Kelly, had an inside connection. Her brother in law was the one who was trying to get the company off the ground. He quickly became Mike’s mentor and taught him everything he knew about the product fundraising industry. This mentor was Jim Messina!

The beginning of Ashley Farms Inc.

Two years after meeting, Jim and Mike decided to leave Planned Achievement Corp and start their own company together: Ashley Farms!

After selling the “usual” type of fundraising merchandise, Jim & Mike decided to break into the frozen food market. The industry did not think the idea of selling frozen food to non-profits would be a successful one, but Ashley Farms proved them wrong! Frozen food is now the largest segment of food products in the industry, and Ashley Farms is extremely proud to be the ones who started it all. In 2014, Ashley Farms will celebrate 30 years in business- all thanks to a little bit of fate, risk, and cheesecake.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ashley Farms: Joining the Social Media Revolution

Ashley Farms, Inc. has always been the answer to your fundraising needs. We help schools and non-profit organizations achieve their fundraising goals with our quality products and customer service from start to finish.

To help ensure that our customers receive high quality and professional customer service that truly lasts from the start of their fundraising event until the end, Ashley Farms has joined the Social Media Revolution! We will now be communicating and providing updates on the following social media platforms:

· Facebook
· Twitter
· Blogger
· Pinterest
· Google+

Our fans, followers, and friends will be able to receive FREE advice, updates, and education on topics such as:

· Encouraging participation in your next fundraising event

· Staying organized during your next fundraising event

· Employee updates

· “Kick Off” events updates

· Product updates

· What our customers are saying

And much, much more!

If you would like valuable, timely, and FREE information- like, follow, and subscribe etc. to our social media platforms listed above! Simply click the links to begin!

Ashley Farms- The answer to your fundraising needs. If your non-profit organization needs money, we have the solutions!